The library would like to purchase an Infinity - iPad + Monitor Kiosk that features a monitor mount, a universal tablet holder, and two literature holders to use at the health fair to promote and train individuals to utilize the MedLinePlus as their primary health resource. The library staff will talk one on one to participants to listen to their concerns and demonstrate the many features of this health resource using the IPad and TV monitor. Staff members will also distribute NLM brochures concerning health issues depending upon availability. Individual titles are not listed here as the health fair is over a year away. MedLinePlus flyers will be given to all participants as well as information focusing on nutrition and healthy eating. This year Mississippi is #3 in the nation for the most obese state. Last year it was number one and a few years ago, our county, Wayne, was the most obese county in the United States. 88 who do not exercise or those are not physically active on a daily basis is 34.5%, and the number of 88 with diabetes is 17.0%. The staff will show attendees how to do utilize MedLinePlus website focusing on how to research THEIR particular health issues. If this project is funded, with the kiosk having a "kick off" at the health fair, the library would like to leave this kiosk in the library for the 5,000 plus patrons who visit the library to use every day, so it will be an ongoing teaching tool. Giveaways will includes items based on the nutrition theme such as "100 Foods Your Body Will Love", "A Guide to Healthier Fast Food Nutrition", "A Guide To Good Nutrition For People With Diabetes And Pre-Diabetes".
Project Details
Waynesboro-Wayne County Library
Patsy Brewer