Goal: To provide cancer patients and caregivers with ready access to quality health information and leisure apps that will help improve health care and decrease stress. Objective: McGoogan Library will provide access to four tablets with cancer health information and apps for leisure and mindfulness. Outcome 1: Health information benefits patient care or patient-provider communication. Outcome 2: Mindfulness and leisure apps help reduce patient or caregiver anxiety. McGoogan Library will offer the tablet-lending program through the Resource and Wellness Center at the Fred and Pamela Buffett Cancer Center. Each tablet will be set up with links to trustworthy health websites, including MedlinePlus, American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute, and National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines for Patients. There will also be a link to a form to submit a request to the library for research help. Resources to help decrease stress will include apps for meditation, music, games, and sports. Tablets will be available while the Resource and Wellness Center is open, Monday - Friday, 8 am - 4 pm. In order to borrow a tablet, the user must be 18 or older and leave their photo ID. When the tablet is returned, the user will complete a brief, anonymous survey, and their photo ID will be returned. After each use, any personal data will be wiped from the tablet before lending to the next person. To protect patient privacy, we will not keep track of unique users, and will only count the number of times the tablets are borrowed.

Project Details

Organization Name

University of Nebraska Medical Center

Organization Type
Academic institution
All of Us
Project Lead


Start Date
May 1, 2018
End Date
January 31, 2019
Funding Amount
General Public