Introducing Health Sciences Librarianship

The project will provide an opportunity for a cohort of participants in the NNLM MAR region to develop a broader awareness of health sciences librarianship. The project involves two parts: 1 an online course; and 2 a virtual shadowing mentoring program. The 4-week online course will provide an overview of health sciences librarianship, taught from the perspective of librarians who came to health sciences librarianship from other fields. The course is organized in four modules, each based on a scenario from the health sciences. Participants will use video lectures from the instructors, assigned readings, suggested resources, and class discussions to complete the scenarios. Through these scenarios, participants will learn about types of library users health sciences librarians work with, types of information resources health sciences librarians use, techniques for searching and evaluating health sciences information, and ways of connecting with the professional community of health sciences librarians. Concurrent with the online course, participants in the cohort will also be part of a virtual shadowing mentoring program. Each participant will be paired with a health sciences librarian mentor. In virtual meetings with their mentors, participants will be able to extend what they learn in the course with real world examples from their mentor. The program provides an opportunity to learn more about careers in health sciences librarianship, and participants will leave with at least one professional contact in the health sciences librarian community.

Project Details

Organization Name

Library Juice Academy

Organization Type
Project Lead

Natalie Tagge

Start Date
July 21, 2020
End Date
April 30, 2021
Funding Amount
Educator, K-12
Library or Information Professional
Adults (19-64 yrs.)