The Rhode Island College Foundation is facilitating the collaboration of the James P. Adams Library at Rhode Island College with the Colleges Age-Friendly Rhode Island a coalition of community and state agencies, healthcare and social service providers, individuals of all ages, advocacy and faith-based organizations, businesses, academic institutions and municipal leaders who are committed to healthy aging to produce and deliver presentations on brain health. The project, Learning Your Way to a Healthy Brain, is an initiative that emphasizes how individuals can access reputable information on brain health. Adams Library librarians will develop a Brain Health LibGuide using primarily NNLM resources focused on improving and maintaining cognitive function. Additional resources included in the Brain Health LibGuide will be those most relevant to Rhode Island residents. Age-Friendly Rhode Island AFRI staff will design interactive presentations on how to use the Brain Health LibGuide; develop an evaluation process; publicize the Brain Health LibGuide and the presentations; arrange for and deliver the presentations at several community libraries; and, analyze the participant evaluations. Through this targeted library outreach, the expected outcome of Learning Your Way to a Healthy Brain is to imbed this knowledge in the most vulnerable communities and to increase brain-healthy behaviors among their residents.

Project Details

Organization Name

The Rhode Island College Foundation

Organization Type
Academic institution
Project Lead

Linda Jzyk

Rhode Island
Start Date
May 1, 2020
End Date
April 30, 2021
Funding Amount
Community-based Organization Staff
Educator, College & Post-grad
General Public
Library or Information Professional
Student, College & Post-grad
Adults (19-64 yrs.)
Adults (19-64 yrs.)
Seniors (65+ yrs.)
Blacks/African Americans
Alaska Natives
American Indians
Asians/Asian Americans
Hispanics/Latin Americans
Native Hawaiians
Other Pacific Islanders
Medically Underserved Areas/Populations
Behavioral/Social Determinants of Health