15-40 Connection is saving lives by teaching people how to detect cancer early and be active partners in their healthcare. Our 3 Steps Detect education harnesses the power of early detection by teaching people how to recognize early warning signs of cancer and collaborate with doctors to accelerate the time to diagnosis and receive more effective treatment. A critical element of this education is continuity, reinforcement and access to reliable information and advice. Our partnership with the National Network of Libraries of Medicine has allowed for the integration of NNLM/MedLine Plus resources into our 3 Steps Detect education. We deliver this life-saving education to high schools, colleges, community organizations and other high-risk populations, such as firefighters in person, via train-the-trainer methods, and via live webinars. In all these current delivery methods, MedLine Plus is presented as a credible resource for reliable and up-to-date information regarding doctor/patient relationships, symptoms, confidentiality and patients rights. With the increased demand for our education in the Northeast and nationally, it necessitates a scalable online delivery method. In August 2019 we began building an eLearning Platform with CoreAxis, an industry leading provider of interactive digital education. The eLearning Platform will package and distribute our 3 Steps Detect education with a scalable strategy. We have created a 2-minute eLearning Platform preview at: https://youtu.be/anqDGviGkEs We respectfully request a $7,000 grant toward the integration of MedLine resources into the 2020 buildout of the eLearning Platform including a dedicated module. Being able to access our training 24/7 will reinforce our education, MedLine Plus as a trusted resource, and ensure greater access to valuable health information.

Project Details

Organization Name

15-40 Connection

Organization Type
Community-based organization
Project Lead

Jan Fountaine

Start Date
May 1, 2020
End Date
April 30, 2021
Funding Amount
Community-based Organization Staff
Educator, College & Post-grad
Educator, K-12
Emergency Preparedness and Response
General Public
Public Health Professional
Student, College & Post-grad
Student, K-12
Adults (19-64 yrs.)
Adults (19-64 yrs.)
Teens (13-18 yrs.)
Blacks/African Americans
Asians/Asian Americans
Hispanics/Latin Americans
Medically Underserved Areas/Populations
Behavioral/Social Determinants of Health