Outreach 329 Providing Consumer Health Information to the Underserved Public Seeking Health Care at Remote Area Medical Clinic Events in East Tennessee

University of Tennessee Preston Medical Library staff with other members of the Knoxville Area Health Science Libraries Consortium will provide consumer health information packets to patients attending three Remote Area Medical RAM clinic events in East Tennessee. They will target the clinic sites closest to Knoxville. Librarians shall include surveys in the packets to be handed out or mailed to health consumers. They will also ask for the patients zip code and county. They may also evaluate consumers for health literacy level at the events. They will measure use of the Preston Medical Librarys Consumer Health Information Service, referrals from the clinics, and survey responses. The Preston Medical Library shall continue to provide services to clinic attendees as part of the UT Medical Center Preston Medical Library/Health Information Center services, a longstanding service funded by the University of Tennessee.

Project Details

Organization Name

University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine

Organization Type
Academic institution
All of Us
Project Lead

Martha Earl

Start Date
May 1, 2019
End Date
April 30, 2020
Funding Amount
General Public
Health care Provider
Public Health Professional