Personalized Medicine and Health Information Literacy Worcester Dissemination Project

Soon to be college graduates have unprecedented access to unlimited amounts of health information. College students need to be able to sort and prioritize their sources and evaluate the quality of information consumed. Poor health literacy is a strong predictor of a person's health, and there is evidence that increasing health information literacy to improve health can be done using the capacity of public libraries. Worcester State University WSU understands the importance of a well-educated and empowered workforce and is well-positioned to guide its students and members ofthe Worcester community on the appropriate use of publicly available health information resources. Aligning with the National Network of Libraries of Medicine's NNLM mission, WSU aims to broaden access and awareness of health information and increase health literacy H L for its students and members of the Worcester community by promoting the collaboration between WSU's Health Sciences Department, the WSU library and the Worcester public library. WSU will use its access to soon to be professionals utilizing its library and will collaborate with the Worcester public library to publicize selected NNLM's and National Institutes of Health NIH Research Program AoURP resources.

Project Details

Organization Name

Worcester State University

Organization Type
Academic institution
Project Lead

Jaime Vallejos

Start Date
May 1, 2019
End Date
April 30, 2020
Funding Amount
Educator, College & Post-grad
Student, College & Post-grad
Medically Underserved Areas/Populations