The Massachusetts Action Coalition MAAC proposes to build on and expand the outcomes of our initial Innovations Fund award that has developed an innovative partnership with the National Libraries of Medicine NLM and the Massachusetts Health Council MHC to increase nursing representation on School Wellness Committees to influence school policies addressing health issues that impact student health and wellness. This expansion will include a new partnership with the Massachusetts School Superintendents Association and collaboration with representatives of School Wellness Committees SWC statewide to create an evidence-based, adaptable, developmentally appropriate curriculum for grades 6-12 on the impact of vaping on student health and wellness.In this expansion process, we will increase the support and resources provided to the cohort of nurse facilitators developed in our first Innovations award and expand our connection to statewide School Wellness Committees through multi-stakeholder Advisory and Curriculum Development committees that will utilize the resources of the National Libraries of Medicine , Massachusetts Health Council and other statewide groups that are working to address vaping to deliver a comprehensive curriculum that addresses what has become a statewide public health problem and a potential national public health problem. The focus of the expanded award has emerged from information provided by our nurse facilitators and confirmed by School Wellness Committees in many areas of our state and from the input from a variety of stakeholders across the Commonwealth.

Project Details

Organization Name

Organization of Nurse Leaders

Organization Type
Project Lead

Patricia Crombie

Start Date
May 1, 2019
End Date
April 30, 2020
Funding Amount
Educator, K-12
Health care Provider
Student, K-12
Adults (19-64 yrs.)
Children (0-12 yrs.)
Teens (13-18 yrs.)
Medically Underserved Areas/Populations
Behavioral/Social Determinants of Health