The Superwoman Project is Black Girl Health Foundations BGHF newest programming and has been developed to provide support to moms in every aspect of their lives, including: new motherhood, child mortality, parenting, mental and holistic health, marriage and relationships, leadership, and navigating the workforce. In 2020, The Superwoman Project was developed as a pilot which was launched in Houston, TXa city that has struggled badly with mitigating its Coronavirus cases. This pilot program included a series of Stay Super Guides, aka Superwoman Guidebooks; these guides provide mothers of color with up-to-date medically sound information related to the COVD-19 Pandemic, and the tools and resources they need to counteract the biggest byproduct of being a mom in the time of Coronavirus: Superwoman Syndrome. Now, we hope to take our work one step further. Funding from NNLM-SEA will allow BGHF to expand The Superwoman Project by hosting a live stream virtual workshop series. This event is an opportunity for African American mothers in North Carolinas major metropolitan areas of Charlotte and Raleigh to learn how to manage the added stresses of being a Superwoman in an age of fear, loss, and uncertainty. Mothers will also gain access to trusted resources that will point them to regularly updated, science-backed information about protocols, changes, and new developments amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. This campaign will: - Improve health information access for patients, patrons, and the public, relating to COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2. - Provide access to health information in a way that is meaningful to the target population. - Increase awareness and utilization of NIH, NLM, and CDC as authoritative resources on COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2. - Provide resources relating to COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2, specifically designed to combat health misinformation.

Project Details

Organization Name

Black Girl Health Foundation

Organization Type
Community-based organization
Public health
Project Lead

Porcha Johnson

Start Date
December 11, 2020
End Date
April 30, 2021
Funding Amount
General Public
Adults (19-64 yrs.)
Blacks/African Americans
Medically Underserved Areas/Populations
Behavioral/Social Determinants of Health
Maternal Health