Technology 310 MUSC Makerspace

This project will seek to develop a medical makerspace to support the education and development of faculty, students and staff. MUSC currently does not have interdisciplinary makerspace that allows students and 133s to collaboratively engage in experimentation and development of medical makerspace concepts. The proposed space would facilitate the development of prototypes of 3D printing assets. The space would also serve as an area of instruction for developing three-dimensional structures and components for medical education. The medical makerspace would be centrally located on the MUSC campus and accessible to all six colleges.

Project Details

Organization Name

Medical University of South Carolina

Organization Type
Academic institution
All of Us
Health sciences library
Project Lead

Erick Lemon

South Carolina
Start Date
May 1, 2019
End Date
April 30, 2020
Funding Amount
General Public
Health care Provider
Library or Information Professional
Student, College & Post-grad