The Digital Doctor

by Author Robert M Wachter, MD

  • Publisher McGraw-Hill Education
  • Year published 2017
  • ISBN: ISBN 978-1260019605
  • Number of pages 330 pages
  • WorldCat

The Digital Doctor book cover
About the Book
Book description

Written with a rare combination of compelling stories and hard-hitting analysis by one of the nation’s most thoughtful physicians, The Digital Doctor examines healthcare at the dawn of its computer age. It tackles the hard questions, from how technology is changing care at the bedside to whether government intervention has been useful or destructive. And it does so with clarity, insight, humor, and compassion. ebook icon Audio book icon

New York Times Science Bestseller

Dr. Robert M Wachter
About the Author
Author description

Robert Wachter, MD, is Professor and Chair of the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. He coined the term "hospitalist" and is considered the father of the hospitalist field, the fastest-growing medical specialty in modern times. He is past president of the Society of Hospital Medicine and past chair of the American Board of Internal Medicine. In 2015, Modern Healthcare magazine named him the most influential physician executive in the U.S.

View Robert Wachter, MD UCSF Profile

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