Content focused on serving the needs of community-based organizations and their staff.

Delivering Health Information Resources Across Languages and Cultures

Formerly called Providing Multilingual and Multicultural Health Information. This class is designed to assist librarians and others who work with diverse populations in locating health information. The resources presented are selected for their emphasis on providing culturally relevant information in the preferred language of the population. Background information on refugees and immigrants in the U.S. and their unique health issues will be presented.

This class is offered as a 4-hour CE Moodle class.

Effective Health Communication and Health Literacy: Understanding the Connection

How are health communication and health literacy connected? How can you be more effective in providing health information to consumers, patients, clients, library patrons and your community?  This 1 hour webinar introduces the concepts of health literacy and health communication, outlines components of clear health communication, and identifies online resources from NLM, government agencies and other recognized resources for health literacy and health communication. 

Foundations of Citizen Science + Libraries as Community Hubs for Citizen Science

What is citizen science? How can I get involved? This 2 hour, on-demand, online class from NNLM and introduces citizen science for librarians, staff, and community-based organization leaders and includes clear, specific instructions and case studies on how a small, midsize, or large library or organization can bring citizen science activities and programs to their community. This tutorial is available in English and Spanish through