Staff Bio
Tiffany Chavis
Outreach and Education Librarian, Region 1
Classes I Teach
Event Title | Summary |
Consumer Health Collection Management - On Demand | This 4 credit-hour, on-demand class reviews collection management principles and resources for health-related collections in public libraries. |
Consumer Health Information Specialization On-Demand | Discover the basics of providing consumer health information through 8 independent learning modules. Earn up to 8 hours credit towards a Consumer Health Information Specialization. |
Effective Health Communication and Health Literacy: Understanding the Connection - April 25, 2024 | This 1 hour webinar introduces the concepts of health literacy and health communication. This presentation addresses improving health literacy, by including information about the NLM/NIH resource |
Effective Health Communication and Health Literacy: Understanding the Connection - August 7, 2024 | This 1 hour webinar introduces the concepts of health literacy and health communication. This presentation addresses improving health literacy, by including information about the NLM/NIH resource |
Facilitating Rural Access to Quality Health Information through Little Free Libraries | This webinar is part of the Rural Health Webinar Series and will addresses an NNLM grant-funded community partnership between a public library and a university health science library. |
Introduction to Health Reference: Ethics and Best Practices (2022) | In this 4 credit-hour, on-demand class learn how to conduct a health reference interview using ethical and effective communication strategies. |
Mental Health in the Workplace | This one-hour webinar will examine aspects of mental health at work covered in the U.S. Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well-Being. We'll also look at SAHMSA’s Creating a Healthier Life a Step-By-Step Guide to Wellness. |
NNLM Region One Insights Webinar Series: Beyond Borders: Understanding Oldways Heritage Diets and Reducing Health Disparities | This presentation aims to delve into the Oldways Heritage Diets, offering insights into classifying healthful foods within these traditional dietary patterns. |
Providing Mental Health Resources at Your Library | Responding to questions involving topics on mental health is challenging even for the most experienced librarian. In this 1-hour webinar, participants will learn how to effectively respond to requests for mental health information at their libraries. |
Region One Insights Webinar Series: How to Initiate, Support, and Evaluate a Social Work Practicum Student in Your Library: Lessons Learned From A Statewide Initiative in New Jersey | In this webinar, you will learn about this project, find information about hosting social work practicum students or developing a similar project in your own area, and gain tools needed to help you prepare for, orient, supervise, and support social work students hosted by your library. |

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