Current Projects

This page includes awards made during the current NNLM award period (May 1, 2021 - April 30, 2026).

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Project Title Lead Organization Project Summary Project Start Date Project End Date State Sort descending
Development of the NNLM Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (Living) Handbook/Guide Consultation and development of a NNLM Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (Living) Handbook/Guide, including all deliverables outlined on the Statement of Work.
Prenatal Health Education The Children's Home Society of New Jersey Under this project proposed to NNLM, trusted bicultural and bilingual New Jersey obstetrics/gynecology and maternal/fetal medical providers will review and update the current CHSofNJ prenatal health education curricula used for 60-90 women annually with current NJ medical practice and NNLM resources. CHSofNJ’s current prenatal health education is based on the March of Dimes Becoming a Mom/Comenzando Bien curricula with enhancements based on needs and lived experiences of communities in Trenton. The New Jersey medical reviewers will provide curriculum updates…
Healthy Living Outreach in Comanche County The Lawton Public Library seeks to connect the community to quality health information through a series of interactive and educational outreach programs. These programs aim to reach the county’s diverse population along with other underrepresented groups, such as SNAP recipients and low-income households. Lawton Public Library requests funding to purchase equipment, including a portable demonstration kitchen with nutrition curriculum along with a portable group sport activity to…
Building Capacity Among Librarians for Machine Learning Applications to Bibliographic Data The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill This project will develop an open access, web-based user interface for machine learning tools currently in use as desktop applications by UNC Health Sciences Library (HSL) and create an accompanying full-day curriculum to be delivered to research librarians at multiple institutions at no cost. This funding will allow UNC HSL to share their expertise with other institutions around applying these innovative approaches to analyzing bibliographic data. Machine learning approaches in use at UNC HSL include…
Collection Equity Award Franklin Grand Isle Bookmobile This award will allow our organization to purchase age-appropriate books and information for our patrons in English and Spanish. Currently, our collection is older with many books that are 15 or more years old and do not include many titles for the migrant farm workers we visit. This includes information nonfiction, social/emotional health, and physical health. Unfortunately, we have not been able to keep update books about physical or mental health in our collection due to the speed we get new information and the cost associated with updating resources. We have recently begun…
Ayen En Wunnanumaonk, Be In Good Health: A Nipmuc Community Wellness Newsletter Nipmuc Nation The Nipmuc People make up one of New England’s largest Native communities and are recognized by the state of Massachusetts [1]. The community consists of approximately 600 members that reside throughout the New England area and beyond. The Nipmuc People are represented by several bands, historically linked by kinship ties, trade routes, and other alliances [2]. 
Answering a Call to Action: Preparing PublicLibraries to Respond to the Opioid Crisis Florida State University School of Information Opioid overdose deaths rose by approximately 35percent in Florida from 2019 to 2020- an increase attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic (Byrnes, 2021).t In 2019, OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) applied for, and was awarded, an IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services) grant to equip public libraries as first responders in the Opioidepidemic. As output of this grant, a toolkit wasproduced that provides general action steps forpublic libraries to support their communitiesthrough the crisis. For this application MargaretZimmerman, an Assistant Professor with the FloridaState…
Collection Equity, Quinnipiac University Quinnipiac University We propose using the funds from the Collection Equity Award to expand our collection of books related to the intersection of health and diversity, with a focus on books that will educate about personal stories of those experiencing marginalization or oppression in our society. We will also include titles that provide guidance on being an advocate for health equity.
Overdose Response Information and Training PCO Hope Plymouth County, as a whole, has been significantly impacted by the opioid epidemic. Between July and November 2021 there were 640 suspected overdose incidents, 50 of those suspected overdoses were fatal. However, more than 90% of people who are administered Narcan for an opioid overdose survive ( For the time period of 2016-2018, the death rate for drug overdoses in Plymouth County was 766 deaths per 100,000 population ( Given the rate of overdose deaths and opioid overdose survival rates due to the…
Seniors be Well
Collection Equity Award 13 Maine Health We would review our collection of ebooks and audiobooks to find areas where we could increase the number of books available to patients and community members across the MaineHealth system. Our primary focus would be around non-English books, audiobooks, and graphic novels in order to have information accessible to people who have challenges with reading English-only, text-only books.
Supplemental Collection Equity Award University of Portland If awarded, the Supplemental Collection Equity Award would support Nursing students and faculty at the University of Portland School of Nursing and Health Innovations (UPSONHI) with electronic and print books about the reproductive health (commonly referred to as maternal health) of Black people. The phrase reproductive health is used instead of maternal health due to its inclusionary nature of all people,…
LSUHS Exhibit Award for the Louisiana Library Association Louisiana State University Health Science Center Shreveport - Library (LSUHSC-S Library) Louisiana Library Association conference is held each year. Attendance has varied from 300 – 400 individuals including both librarians and vendors based on conference city and conference dates and any conflicts with PLA (Public Library Association conference – part of ALA) and ACRL (Academic, College, and Research Librarians conference – part of ALA) which occur on alternating years. Public, school (K-12), academic, and subject specialists (law, health, government documents, etc.) librarians in Louisiana attend. The theme this year is Everything for Everyone
The COVID-19 Silver Lining: expanding provider access to health information in South Brooklyn NYC Health and Hospitals-Coney Island Maximizing Coney Island Hospital’s healthcare providers’ access to current, evidence-based biomedical and health information resources by exchanging shelves of out-of-date, low-use hardcopy library books for laptops and online resources, clearing space for quiet study, online research and continuing education, ultimately available 24/7 for all clinical staff.
The Celebrate Life Project - Alabama Support Centered Services The Celebrate Life Project commences by introducinglicensed professionals such as educators, socialworkers, mental health care providers, nurses,other health and human service providers andinformation intermediaries to NLM resources viavirtual mini-conference. Frontline practitionersneed accurate, reliable, credible, and timelyinformation about the latest innovation intreatments and therapies given the ever-growingdemands on our health care system due to COVID-19,its variants and increasing demand for mentalservices. Dis-ease is mounting due to isolation,anxiety, and addiction, along… Alabama
COVID Learning, Engagement & Assistance for all Neighborhoods (CLEAN) Program Extension The Institute for Community, Youth and Family Services, Inc. The Institute for Community, Youth and FamilyServices Inc. (The Institute) proposes to expand our pilot CLEAN program through this extension designed to bring COVID-19 resources and education to rural communities in Alabama that lack health services. By partnering with service providers, churches, local government and the public housingauthority we will ensure that trainings andmaterials meet immediate needs of the community andhelp strengthen local healthinfrastructure/resources. The Institute will offertrainings, supplies, planning, and budgetarysupport to our enrolled community… Alabama
Collection Equity Outreach Award Juneau Public Library The Juneau Public Libraries, in Juneau, Alaska intends to buy books to develop a health collection for Shéiyi X̱aat Hít (Spruce Root House), a brand new emergency shelter for runaway and homeless youth ages 10-18. In… Alaska
Supplemental Collection Equity Award University of Alaska Anchorage Medical Library The Collection Equity Outreach Award would allow the UAA/APU Consortium Library to further supplement the initial grant in purchasing books for the physical and electronic health sciences collection to support the… Alaska
Bringing the Best Health Information to Alaska’s Distant Communities University of Alaska Anchorage Medical Library The primary goal of the project is to improve the quality of life and health for Alaska’s citizens by providing information outreach services to the healthcare workforce and to public libraries, especially in rural areas, over a five-year period from May 2021 through April 2026. Access to quality biomedical information will support health professionals in their care of patients. With outreach to healthcare facilities, the Alaska Medical Library (AML) fulfills one component of the Network of the National Library of Medicine’s (NNLM) mission to… Alaska
Collection Equity Outreach Award Kenai Community Library Approximately 78% of the health-related titles the library currently owns are more than 5 years old. This includes adult, young adult, and juvenile titles. While we recently weeded these sections, we still have much work to do to provide our patrons access to recent and reliable information and to replenish what we removed.If we are awarded this grant, we will purchase titles in various formats (e.g., print, audio, and DVDs) for all age groups. We believe that now more than ever libraries must promote the principles of inclusion, diversity, equity, and access. If we are awarded this… Alaska
Bringing the Best Health Information to Alaska’s Distant Communities University of Alaska Anchorage Medical Library The primary goal of the project is to improve the quality of life and health for Alaska’s citizens by providing information outreach services to the healthcare workforce and to public libraries, especially in rural areas, over a five-year period from May 2021 through April 2026.Access to quality biomedical information will support health professionals in their care of patients. With outreach to healthcare facilities, the Alaska Medical Library (AML) fulfills one component of the Network of the National Library of Medicine’s (NNLM) mission to “provide all U.S.… Alaska
Bringing the Best Health Information to Alaska’s Distant Communities University of Alaska Anchorage Medical Library The primary goal of the project is to improve the quality of life and health for Alaska’s citizens by providing information outreach services to the healthcare workforce and to public libraries, especially in rural areas, over a five-year period from May 2021 through April 2026.Access to quality biomedical information will support health professionals in their care of patients. With outreach to healthcare facilities, the Alaska Medical Library (AML) fulfills one component of the Network of the National Library of Medicine’s (NNLM) mission to “provide all U.S.… Alaska
Bringing the Best Health Information to Alaska’s Distant Communities University of Alaska Anchorage Medical Library The primary goal of the project is to improve the quality of life and health for Alaska’s citizens by providing information outreach services to the healthcare workforce and to public libraries, especially in rural areas, over a five-year period from May 2021 through April 2026. Access to quality biomedical information will support health professionals in their care of patients. With outreach to healthcare facilities, the Alaska Medical Library (AML) fulfills one component of the Network of the National Library of Medicine’s (NNLM) mission to… Alaska
Collection Equity Outreach Award University of Alaska Anchorage Medical Library The Collection Equity Outreach Award would allow the UAA/APU Consortium Library to purchase books for the physical and electronic health sciences collection to support the diversity, equity, and inclusion objectives of the University of Alaska Anchorage’s Strategic Plan for 2025. Specifically, the Library would purchase materials that support College of Health students to meet the health care needs of the state’s Alaska Native, Hispanics/Latinos, Asian, Black/African American and Pacific Islander demographics. Since College of Health students make up a large… Alaska
Engaging AZ Public Libraries as Community Hubs for Citizen Science Arizona Library Association Through citizen and community science, people engage in events, projects and programs that can directly improve their health. Increasingly, libraries are becoming community hubs for citizen and community science facilitating participation among UBRs and others. The project aims to train and engage librarians and staff as facilitators and conduits of citizen science to reach and engage more people in understanding threats to environmental determinants of health and participating in projects that aim to address those threats (including… Arizona
Healthy Lifestyle with Florence Community Library Florence Community Library This project will provide opportunities in our community to address key health concerns identified in Pinal County’s Health Needs Assessment. In particular, Physical Activity and Nutrition. Educational activities will be offered that include how to prepare healthy food on a budget, growing a garden, preserving food, exercise classes for older adults, and parent/caregiver workshops on raising healthy kids. All activities will include NLM resources. Participants will also be instructed on how to access and navigate the NLM website for their personal use.… Arizona
Pop-Up Botanica Exhibit & Lecture Presentations University of Arizona Health Sciences Library The University of Arizona Health Sciences Library (UAHSL) plans outreach activities designed to connect with communities in Arizona, including: public health workers and public health educators embedded in underserved communities; “promotores de salud”; K-12 students; Hispanic, Native American, and border-region populations; public librarians especially in rural areas; and, groups of individuals and communities who experience disparities in health care. UAHSL operates from the social determinants of health framework when identifying health priorities to focus our… Arizona
How to Use Your Health Insurance: Development and Dissemination of an Online Learning Module for Young Adults University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences- Center for Health Literacy This project is a health literacy intervention designed to equip young adults with knowledge to better understand and use their health insurance. A team of health literacy experts will use plain language best practices to develop content for an interactive learning module. Potential users will vet the module content and a prototype to evaluate and improve relevance, understandability, and actionability. The module will be disseminated to students at the university level and include a post-session survey to provide evaluation data and inform future work.  Arkansas
Minds Matter: Eliminating Healthcare Stigma Black Girl Health Foundation Black Girl Health Foundation’s “Minds Matter: Eliminating Healthcare Stigma” is a program in partnership with community libraries that are designed to reach out to women of color in urban communities and educate them about mental health and mental health resources. Black Girl Health Foundation (BGHF) has already hosted successful Minds Matter events in the following cities in 2021; Harrisburg, New Orleans, Washington D.C., and Houston. During Black History Month (February 2022) Black Girl Health Foundation will return to Washington D.C. and pilot in St… Arkansas
Increasing Digital Literacy in Communities Underrepresented in Biomedical Research Black Girl Health Foundation The project’s goal is to increase the public's digital literacy (DL) to enable awareness of health resources, focusing on African American (AA) communities, who are often underrepresented in Biomedical Research. The increasing digitization of health information presents challenges in communities where DL and digital health literacy (DHL) rates are low—an issue that has been compounded by extensive health misinformation during the pandemic. This project will increase DHL by raising the low levels of DL within AA communities. To maximize impact, BGHF will… Arkansas
Demographics - Age Group
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Demographics - Roles of Participants Project is Intended to Serve
Demographics - Sexual & Gender Minorities