The Future of Nutrition
- Publisher BenBella Books
- Year published 2020
- ISBN: ISBN 978-1950665709
- Number of pages 350 pages
- WorldCat
- Topic(s) Food and Nutrition

About the Book
Book descriptionDr. T. Colin Campbell, the author of The China Study and New York Times bestseller Whole, returns with a book examining the shortcomings and confusion within the nutrition industry and outlining steps to improve. In Colin Campbell's newest book, he takes on the institution of nutrition: the history of how we got locked into focusing on “disease care” over health care; the widespread impact of our reverence of animal protein on our interpretation of scientific evidence; the way even well-meaning organizations can limit what science is and is not taken seriously; and what we can do to ensure the future of nutrition is different than its past. The Future of Nutrition offers a fascinating deep-dive behind the curtain of the field of nutrition—with implications both for our health and for the practice of science itself.

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