Current Projects

This page includes awards made during the current NNLM award period (May 1, 2021 - April 30, 2026).

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Project Title Lead Organization Project Summary Project Start Date Sort ascending Project End Date State
Health Hub @ Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library The Port Chester-Rye Brook (PCRB) Public Library plans to set up a publicly accessible Health Hub, a laptop in an enclosed space designed with soundproofing technology that dampens inside and outside sound by at least 30 decibels. The Health Hub will accommodate telehealth visits, health workforce educational initiatives, and health information searching for a diverse patron base. The percentage of people who identify as Hispanic or Latino in Port Chester is 104% higher than the state average and the poverty rate 22% higher than the nationwide average of 11.5%. Only 79% of Port… New York
STEHL Phase 2 University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing Urbana Campus The STEHL Phase II project will build upon a project that was funded by the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) under Federal Award Number UG4 LM013729-3 with the University of Iowa and awarded to the Northern Illinois University (NIU) under Subaward No. S04162-01 from August 1, 2023, to April 30, 2024. The toolkit by health care professionals for older adults in retirement homes is entitled “Smart Tablets Education for Healthy Living (STEHL).” This project is aligned with the NNLM mission to improve public access to information to enable them to make informed… Illinois
Get Connected: Providing Connectivity for Teens to Access Health Information YMCA of Central Massachusetts This project aims to provide iPads and computers to the teen program at the YMCA of Central MA- Central Branch located in the Main South Worcester community, significantly improving their access to technology for academic support, health information and skill development. These devices will not only serve academic purposes, but will also be integral to teaching technological skills and supporting our entrepreneurial program. They will be used for personal health research, project management, and training, empowering teens with the tools they need to succeed. By equipping underserved… Massachusetts
Technology and Collections to Expand Health Information Access Sidney Memorial Public Library Purchase audiobooks and circulating CD players for older adults and patrons with visual impairments. This will provide additional access to health-related content for those patrons with visual disabilities. The flatscreen will help promote health information resources available at the library including electronic resources which tend to be not well known to the public and as a result, underutilized. The flat screen will also assist in promoting these new acquisitions for the CD and monograph-based content.
Arvin A. Brown Updating Computers and Software Arvin A. Brown Public Library The Arvin A. Brown Library in Richford VT requests funding to upgrade computers and software so as to make health information and access available to the broader community. We obtained funding previously from NNLM, which allowed us to provide Richford residents with computers that connect to reliable sources about health and fitness. However, these computers are now aging and cannot be supported or upgraded. This community is in particular need of access to health information around addiction, lifestyle, and disabilities – and the library serves as a safe, private space in which to… Vermont
last updated: 06/14/24 10:14
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