Title | Summary |
CHIS Classes to Teach in Your Community | The Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS) guide gives anyone access to specific NNLM CHIS class materials. These classes can easily be reused within libraries and other communities to support connections to accurate health information and enable people to make informed decisions about their health. The guide includes slides and handouts for five CHIS classes and a detailed page to help individuals use these materials. |
Clinical Conversations Training Program | Clinical Conversations allows clinical trainers or managers to offer brief trainings embedded into regular staff meetings or trainings that they already facilitate, as a way to offer continuing education that does not take time out of already busy schedules. The primary goal of Clinical Conversations is to increase knowledge and awareness of health literacy and associated skills and tools. The program includes 5 subjects, each containing 3-12 modules with PowerPoint slides, printable handouts, e-mail follow ups, facilitator guides, and evaluation materials. |
Community Engagement Resource Guide | This guide is intended to assist everyone interested in conducting health information outreach through community engagement. Included are tools to better engage and meet the needs of specific communities, as well as examples and templates for easy reference while planning, implementing, and evaluating engagement. |
Community-based Organizations | Find guides and resources for community-based organizations and their staff. |
Consumer Health Information Specialization for Library Students | In partnership with MLA, NNLM is pleased to guide LIS and iSchool instructors through getting their course approved as a consumer health course for students to earn their CHIS certification. Have you ever wondered how your course can be certified for the Consumer Health for Library Students program? This page will show you how! |
Data Competencies | This section of the Data Driven Discovery Initiative provides resources to explore recommended competencies, knowledge, skills, and dispositions for data librarians. Professional organizations and networks, as well as resources and strategies to stay current are provided. |
Data Glossary | The NNLM Data Glossary includes definitions, relevant literature, and web resources related to data terminology. |
Data Services | A selection of articles and teaching resources for librarians who are interested in offering data services at their institution. There are many other resources widely available online, and even those not pertaining to medical librarianship are adaptable to many data service contexts. |
Emergency and Disaster Resources | This guide serves as an online collection of resources and tools that are relevant to disaster and emergency management. If you would like to learn more about emergency preparedness resources, or explore training opportunities that are available through NNLM, find and contact your region for more information! |
Genetics 101 Resource Guide | This resource guide provides an introductory understanding of key terms, concepts, and NCBI databases related to genetics and molecular biology. The audience is users of NLM NCBI Resources, researchers, students, information professionals. |
Health Misinformation Resources | A collection of resources to address health misinformation. |
K-12 Resources | Good health is important at any age! NLM and NNLM offer plenty of resources for caregivers and educators to use to support physical, mental, and socio-emotional growth. |
Mental Health Information Community Partnerships Toolkit | The Community Mental Health Information Community Partnerships Toolkit is a collection of resources designed to help community organizations, healthcare providers, educators, and other partners effectively address mental health information needs within their communities. This toolkit offers practical guides, templates, and strategies to establish and maintain partnerships, develop mental health programs, and promote community-wide mental health awareness and support. |
Minwanjige Mino-bimaadizi (Eat Well, Live Well) | Minwanjige Mino-bimaadize (Eat Well, Live Well) is a series of four activity books that help fill a critical gap in early childhood learning resources for Native American children. The project focuses on raising awareness of food-associated factors that contribute to physical and emotional health. |
Mpox Resource Guide | Online collection of reliable resources and tools on the 2022 Mpox Outbreak. The guide includes resources for healthcare and public health professionals, patients and the public, and toolkits and data sources. |
NLM Product Guides | Short guides for NLM Products available for download in PDF format. Each guide includes a brief description, popular uses, key points, potential predicaments, teaching examples, real-life examples, and links to more resources. The product guides are primarily for people in instruction or training roles such as librarians, faculty leads, or mentor researchers. The guides provide instructors with examples and ideas for teaching people about NLM products. |
NNLM Proposal Writing Toolkit | Welcome to the NNLM Proposal Writing Toolkit which provides tips, tricks and resources you can use while developing and submitting your application. Don't forget - we are also here to help along the way via the 'schedule a consultation' link below or contacting your Regional Medical Library. |
NNLM Toolkit for the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy | A selection of guides, toolkits, and other resources for librarians working on addressing the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy. |
Obtain a Specialization | NNLM offers free classes that support continuing education programs and specializations for public health and library audiences. Learn how NNLM can support you! |
Public Health Digital Library | The Public Health Digital Library (PHDL) provides state and local public health departments access to library resources, including e-journals, e-books, and databases. Resources support evidence-based practice and research in public health. |
RD3 Scope Statement and Selection Criteria | The Resources for Data Driven Discovery (RD3) Portal fosters learning and collaboration in data science and data management. The portal will primarily serve librarians and library administrators working in institutions that are generating, sharing, storing, and/or using data for basic scientific, clinical, or translational research and teaching in the health, biological, and physical sciences. As such, the portal will bring together resources on education, outreach and collaboration, best-practices, and current events for data-driven research. The portal will provide librarians with the tools, knowledge, and skills to effectively participate in networked science and teach data topics to Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) stakeholders. |
Reading Club | Featured health topics and book titles selected for the NNLM Reading Club. |
Resources for Healthcare Providers | This brief resource highlights tools and training programs that may be useful for many different aspects of work as a healthcare professional. |
Resources for Hospital/Health Sciences Libraries | NNLM seeks to empower hospital and health sciences librarians with the resources and skills necessary to offer robust biomedical and health information services. |
Resources for Public Libraries | The National Library of Medicine (NLM) provides free, research-based, health resources to public libraries and other community organizations that serve public health needs. |
Rural Health | The resources on this page are meant to provide quality and trustworthy information related to Rural Health. |
Systematic Reviews: NLM Products to Support Your Search | We've gathered features from PubMed and other NLM tools that can support your work of conducting a systematic review. |
Wikipedia Edit-a-thon | Wikipedia’s health topics pages are visited a staggering 7 billion times a year, making it possibly the world’s most popular health information resource. The objective of #CiteNLM is to improve the credibility and content of medical and health-related articles on Wikipedia by adding citations and information from National Library of Medicine (NLM) sources. |